Friday, December 30, 2011

Day 2 Phase 2

So last night was good!
I grilled up some sirloin steak with garlic and dill weed (all sugarless).

DINNER - 3.5 oz of steak, 1 whole raw tomato (I LOVE them), 2 pieces of Melba toast and then after I treated myself to my Strawberry & Lemon Slush (photo under Meals & Recipes)

Took a couple advil - my headache wouldn't go away.

The slush was the best part of the day, I love getting creative like that! Can't wait to see what else I come up with!

SO ---- Day 2 Phase 2 ----

BREAKFAST - 10 drops under tongue and water. I need to buy coffee so I have it. I can't stand tea so that is out of the question.

I have a headache again, but my house is really dry...and I often wake up with a headache so I'm going to take some more advil and see what happens. I'm not hungry at all :)


  1. Try getting a humidifier... they are pretty cheap from Walmart, and that would help with the dryness while you sleep! All that advil with the diet change can't be that good for your tummy!

  2. Good idea! Yeah I know - but once I have a headache if I don't take care of it I have it for daaaays!

    I will have to check out Walmart! You rock!

  3. Why thank you! I get that sometimes too. Make sure you're drinking your water! At least 64 ounces a day! Dehydration = headaches as well!
