Thursday, December 29, 2011

Day 3 - I could cry!

SO mad at myself! I left my drops at HOME!
So I took the first 10 this morning at like 5am - ate an apple (because I forgot to buy coffee)...

I still ate the correct lunch 3.5 oz of Tuna and 2 cups of Tomatoes. I'm drinking water like a fish...

I will just take the drops as soon as I get home. Then wait 2 hours. Take more and then wait the half hour to eat....

Geeez. I created more work for myself.

I have noticed that I am NOT really hungry when I take the drops correctly. I seriously had to force feed myself on those 2 pig out days.

I wasn't hungry until about noon when I ate lunch. Now I'm noticing I feel hungry :( I'm drinking lots of water, so I hope it keeps me full until tonight!


  1. I hate when I leave stuff and then need it later! Don't get bummed out, just keep drinking water! Think of your body changing and how great you'll feel! If you get 'bored' instead of snacking, jump on pinterest or whatever and create a 'motivational' board... that's what I do!

  2. Great idea! I'm was like smelling everyones lunch and was going crazy!
