Today was average.
I walked my 13 blocks - ate my lunch.
Very routine...
Walked 13 blocks back.
Rode the bus home - and was STARVING.
I ate a little more meat then 3.5 oz - but overall it was a great day.
I'm getting a little annoyed. Probably because I can't see my weight loss, if any, I need to buy a scale...
I'm getting myself discouraged. Didn't notice much different when I put my work clothes on this morning - same bulges that I had before so I think that just has me down...
Do you have a measuring tape? Take measurements! Also... maybe pick ONE specific pair of pants, and really take time to judge how they feel on you... write down the tight/uncomfy spots and then use those (if you don't get a scale) to judge changes in your body... Also, you just might be losing some water weight your first week. Make sure too you're eating ENOUGH calories... to starve your system too much might make you store rather than burn.