Friday, April 6, 2012


So I went off the diet for a couple months...
Went back to eating normally and only gained about 5 lbs back - which isn't bad! I ate probably more junk food then I should have!

So I'm on Day 3 for this round and feeling fabulous!
No hunger pains. No headache (except for the weather change).
CRAVINGS though - OMG. It's def hard, not gonna lie, when people around you have chocolate and candy. I'm a huge junk food junkie...

I chew sugarless gum and also think about that AMAZING dress in my closet that is a size 4 and I WILL fit into it before Summer officially gets here. That's my motivation!

It helps to have something to drive you along. An outfit is mine.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Such A Slacker...

Okay so I have been so bad. BUT am PROUD TO ADMIT...
I've slacked on the blog but not the diet!!

Still no scale, but here are a couple little milestones to be happy about:

My thighs don't rub together
My chin shrunk
My rings are too big

Um hello?! I think that's amazing.

Still enjoying all the foods that are part of the diet.
I'm also twisting it to my liking - with the thought in my mind 'I control food, it doesn't control me' I have a lot more self control then I used to have.

I drink a Pepsi Max a day
I also have a couple favorite sugarless candies that I love (Gummy Bears and Twizlers)

My waist has more curve. MY ARMS have even shrunk.
I'm walking faster to work everyday and not getting out of breath.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Today was average.
I walked my 13 blocks - ate my lunch.
Very routine...
Walked 13 blocks back.

Rode the bus home - and was STARVING.
I ate a little more meat then 3.5 oz - but overall it was a great day.

I'm getting a little annoyed. Probably because I can't see my weight loss, if any, I need to buy a scale...

I'm getting myself discouraged. Didn't notice much different when I put my work clothes on this morning - same bulges that I had before so I think that just has me down...


I resisted a Ferrero Rocher.
Proud of myself - had to post and share!

They are my FAVORITE!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tonight - there's a party in my TUMMY!

Today was AMAZING!

Steak with spinach salad and salsa for lunch.
Chicken with spinach salad and salsa for dinner.

No headaches, no hunger pains, nothing!!
Only cravings I had were ice cream with Brian came home with some. Sigh.

The saying "you control food, food doesn't control you" has really taken over my life. It's so simple and it's such a "no duh" way of thinking.

BUT...there is the other sayings "one won't hurt," "I'll just have one," "This one and I'll be done" that really drag you and your goals down. 

How many times have YOU said "Just one cookie." "Just one..."
But really can you honestly just have ONE? Before you know it you've eaten 5. Or maybe you only ate 2...but still. It was ONE MORE then you told yourself you were going to eat.

Realizing that YOU control your mind and your body and holding yourself to your goals, is a really an m.powering* feeling.

I am doing this diet not just to lose weight, but to prove that I CAN control what I eat and how I feel about myself.

*m.powerment Foundation by mark. helps m.power women to take control of their lives. To date the m.powerment foundation has raised over $750,000 to help women who have been in abusive relationships. To contribute to this cause, visit: - under "m.powerment" you will find select items that 100% of the proceeds goes towards the foundation.

Wear your pride - share your confidence and help those who need it <3

Back On here is my biggest complaint so far...

It's REALLY not a convenient diet to be on when you have plans or need to go somewhere. It's actually annoying and almost makes you want to quit because it's just a hassle.

So NYE I had plans with the girls in New York. I went to get all of my stuff to take: food; already measured, drops, water...

Then was thinking about it, we were all "going out to eat" - and I'm like so I'm just going to rush to eat before we leave, and then sit there while they eat and drink a water? That's stupid...

So since it was NYE and I was already going to drink a bit. I figured I would just take a small break. I had a salad and a diet soda. Not bad! I drank vodka and sugarless redbull (lowest amount of calories I found/no sugar) I found...

Yesterday I didn't get home until about 3pm so I honestly didn't eat much yesterday because I wasn't hungry. I ate 2 eggs, some OJ and then had cereal for lunch.

TODAY - back on track! I'm annoyed that I got off the plan a bit but at the same time less annoyed then I was thinking about how in the way it would be if I carted all my stuff out.